Engineering Management 101
A introduction for engineering management
Software Engineering Management 101
The Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK Guide) describes generally accepted knowledge about software engineering.
SWEBOK defines Software Engeering Management is the application of management activices, including the activiies of planning coordinating, measuring, monitoring, controlling, and reporting to ensure software products and software engineering services are delivered efficiently, effectively, and to the benefit of stakeholders.
Core topics
The above piture represents the breakdown of the topics that based on the activities involved in Software Engineering Management.The breakdown doesn't represent any specifiy life cycle model.
Initialition and Scope Definition
- Determinaton and Negotiation of Requirememts. Identify analaysis the requirements, outline the specification and validatie the requirements, and make sure to take various stakeholder's perspectives into account. Eventually, it leads to determine the scope of the project to deliver the outcomes.
- Feasibility Analysis. Taking the factors include technology, resources, finances and social or political into consideration to assess if the current approach leads to the optimal outcome of the project.
- Process for the Review and Revision of Requirments. Make sure the stakeholders agree on the requirements and scope. In addition, clear change management processes should be agreed upon and followed for needs revised.
Software Project Planning
- Process Planning
- Determine Deliverables
- Effort, Schedule and Cost Estimation
- Resource allocation
- Risk Management
- Quality Management
- Plan Management
Software Project Enactment
- Implementation of Plans
- Software Acquisition and Supplier Contract Management
- Implementation of Measurement Process
- Monitor Process
- Control Process
- Reporting
Review and Evalutation
- Determining Satisfaction of Requirements
- Reviewing and Evaluating Performance
- Determining Closure
- Closure Activities
Software Engineering Measurement
- Establish and Sustain Measurement Commitment
- Plan the Measurement Process
- Perform the Measurement Process
- Evaluate Measurement
Software Engineering Management Tools
- Project Planning and Tracking Tools.
- Risk Management Tools.
- Communications Tools.
- Measurement Tools.
Software Engineering Course (SWEBOK) | IEEE Computer Society. (2021).